Welcome to the home of Warren Lodge No. 8, F.&A.M. PHA.

Prince Hall
1735 — December 4, 1807

Principal Officers
- WM – Jaison Shell
- SW – Anthony Hill
- JW – Walter Reuben, Jr.

History of Warren Lodge No. 8
Charted December 27, 1871, in Washington, DC

Charity & Scholarship
Community Service in the Washington, DC area.

W8 Events
Sensing the need for an additional lodge in the jurisdiction for the dissemination of masonic knowledge, a group of brothers petitioned Hiram Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania for a charter in the Spring of 1867. After careful consideration, Hiram Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania found the brethren worthy and well qualified, and granted a charter for a masonic lodge to be established as Warren Lodge No. 9, Free and Accepted Masons (F.&A.M.). The lodge was named in honor of American General Joseph Warren, Revolutionary War hero and Past Master of Masons in Massachusetts.
After serving under Hiram Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania for nearly four years, the brethren of the lodge felt that their impact and influence would best be served in the District of Columbia, rather than in Pennsylvania. The brethren, therefore, petitioned Union Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia for a charter (currently the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia). Meeting all the necessary requirements, a charter was granted on December 27, 1871. Having become the eighth lodge in the jurisdiction, the lodge was renamed Warren Lodge No. 8, F.&A.M.
On January 17, 1872, the Most Worshipful Grand Master John F. Cooke presented the charter to the lodge. The first officers of the lodge were Worshipful Master James H. Thomas, Senior Warden W.H. Peach, Junior Warden J.B. Hutchinson, Treasurer William Hill, and Secretary C.H. Stokley.
In 1887, a number of brothers demitted from Warren Lodge No. 8 for the purpose of forming a new lodge, which eventually became chartered as Saint Johns Lodge No. 12, F.&A.M. Members of Warren Lodge No. 8 were also instrumental in the formation of Pythagoras Lodge No. 9 and John F. Cooke Lodge No. 10.
On April 12, 1890, another memorable event took place when several wives, mothers, widows, and daughters of Master Masons in good and regular standing petitioned Warren Lodge No. 8 for a dispensation of adoption. The petition was accepted, and after due examination and consideration, Queen of Sheba Chapter No. 2, Order of the Eastern Star, was established.
In 1971 and 1972 the lodge was honored yet again when Bro. Joseph Norman Yearwood Jr. was elected as the Conservator of Masonry as the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the District of Columbia. This honor returned in 2010 and 2011 with the election of Bro. MacKinnon W. Myers, who served as the jurisdiction’s 78th Most Worshipful Grand Master.